Saturday, March 10, 2007

Our Fortified Ghettos

This reading was sad to think about. That people actually live their daily lives like this. I cannot imagine why. Why not move somewhere, anywhere except here. To live each day in fear. I am very careful and watch my back whenever I'm outside and I live in West Bloomfield. You can't get much safer than that. I would probably have a mini heart attack if I lived in New York City or somewhere else unsafe. I do not know what I would do. That is not a very good quality of life, no matter what anyone says. There is no price of a life. And if your life is in danger it doesn't matter what you have to do to get out of there, you just do it.

1 comment:

Ct said...

The problem with this thought of moving out to a better place is they can not afford it and it is out of their realm. I work in the ghetto and have for 33 years. These people live here and complain yet they want to buy cadillacs and mercedes and all the other ticket items that make them feel like their life is good. They could not do this living in a better neighborhood. And the ones that do... on the weekend they have a party or bbq and here come all their thievin cousins to rob a new set of homes and the neighborhood goes down the drain. Not everyone can keep up with the jones'