Thursday, March 8, 2007

News in class

1. What local issues are getting the most coverage?
1. The Tara Grant murder case and new twists in it.
2. Commerica pulling out of Detroit for Texas
3. A death at EMU not handled properly
4. The Silverdome is back under Pontiac's ownership until someone decides to buy it.
5. Roundabouts are coming to West Bloomfield to alleviate traffic.

2. What stands out to you about the coverage on what concerns do they emphasize/de-emphasize? The "human factor"? The "drama factor"? Just the facts? What?
The story that has the most attention at the moment is the Tara Grant murder case. It is so close to home being in metro-Detroit and it is such a senseless unexpected event. This story has had media coverage almost daily since Feb when she went missing. They play up the human factor with her being a mother and her husband who did this to her. Concerns are over who gains custody of their children and what is going to happen to Stephen Grant, the husband and murderer. They no longer are just reporting cut and dry facts. There is the a sense of getting to know Tara since people who watch the news see her everyday on there.

3. What's going on in your own backyard? What do you think?

West Bloomfield is going to be getting roundabouts put in to alleviate traffic around the northwestern/14 mile road area. I think at first they will not help because most motorists will not know how to use them and therefore will make traffic worse and probably there will be more accidents. Eventually they probably will make a small to significant impact on traffic here.
M0re evidence is unfolding in the Tara Grant murder case as police decide to release it to the public. Now, there is a sled that comes into play, what Stephen Grant used to scatter the remains of his wife.
The zoo is going to be raising rare butterflies. I think that is wonderful since the Karner blue butterfly is endangered.
GM is planning on making Chevrolet a globally sold automobile brand. There is great potential in the rest of the world where in the United States the sales are falling.
There is a new proposal of people who want donated organs have to first sign up to be an organ donor first.

4. What might you want to research/write about? why?
I'm not quite sure yet. I do not want to do research on the Tara Grant murder case because that is just too depressing to think about. It is a sick crime committed by a sick man.

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