Wednesday, March 14, 2007

ok, I think I have a topic

For the photo essay I'm going to take pictures of Birmingham. And for the argumentative paper, I'm going to argue granholm's proposal of giving every high school graduate $4,000 for college. I am a scholarship recipient so it has more value to me. I don't want to see that money go to kids that don't work hard for it and deserve it. Kids in Birmingham, whose parents make 6 figure incomes should not get that money if some other kid that is just as bright and talented but doesn't have parents that well off. The poorer kid should get it. So, I'm going to try and take photos of Birmingham kids and also just Birmingham in general. The area. The feel of the city. I want to capture the workers of tomorrow, today's youth. These are the people that will be running the world in 10 years. How do they interact with one another. I don't want to actually interview them, i want to observe them in their habitat. Or maybe I will go with another angle on the photography....

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