Friday, February 9, 2007

Profile of a Community Member

I was torn between two people to profile. Martha Ford and Ben Roberts. Everyone knows Martha Ford and there would be plenty of information out there on her. The reason I was thinking of writing on her is because my mom massages her and I know that she is kind woman. However, I bet no one knows Ben Roberts, unless they went to school with him. He is almost two years older than me. Not many people would choose a guy that's almost 21. But, he's not your average run of the mill college student. I met him through my friend Dan who told me a few stories on the guy. Wed night I did an interview with Ben over AIM for almost four hours. I'm glad I choose Ben because I learned so much that Dan never told me. I learned why he does the things he does, his motives. I will go into greater detail in the paper, but here is a basic story that illustrates why I choose Ben. If he sees a car that slid off the road or into a ditch he will stop to help, usually by pulling them out with his jeep and tow rope. Your average student would probably pass them by thinking, "Thank-goodness that's not me" and perhaps send a good thought their way. I learned why Ben helps random people when he expects nothing in return. He made it to eagle scout. Through the scouts he learned about helping people and basically caring. A few weeks ago when we had a horrible ice storm he went around to people helping out, starting generators, cutting branches, etc. Ben is one of the kindest, caring, and generous people I have gotten the privilege to know.

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