Thursday, February 22, 2007
Restaurante Review Article
A review must be very descriptive and rich with vivid details about the food, otherwise people won't go there. The author has to make the reader want to eat there. I should probably start the review with food because that is the most important and why the reader is reading the article. Then atmosphere would be good to describe next. Somewhere, the good and bad food should be mentioned, what made it that way. How it was prepared, compare it to other restaurants. I should possibly comment on the menu, if it was clear and there were no errors. I have special eating needs, like, I really should not eat dairy or gluten. I could add someones perspective with special eating needs. And finally the hours it is open and if smoking is allowed.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
How I Will Make My Paper on Ben Roberts Better
1. I would like to add more sensory details so the reader can really see him. I don't have a sense of smell, so maybe I'll ask him or one of his friends what he smells like if there is an area that it seems to fit. I will add how he has light brown hair, hazel eyes, somehow so the reader can see him.
2. I will add more basic information in the intro paragraph and not scatter it throughout the paper.
3. I will try to make most of my paragraphs follow the P-I-E structure.
4. I will look at my quotes and make sure they are introduced properly.
5. I will make sure I cite my sources correctly, I realized the format was off.
6. I will add more rich vivid details.
2. I will add more basic information in the intro paragraph and not scatter it throughout the paper.
3. I will try to make most of my paragraphs follow the P-I-E structure.
4. I will look at my quotes and make sure they are introduced properly.
5. I will make sure I cite my sources correctly, I realized the format was off.
6. I will add more rich vivid details.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Next Paper-Restaurant Review Possibility
I'm pretty excited to write the next paper on the restaurant review. I don't know the specifics yet, but I'm excited. I don't go out to eat very often. So, this is a nice change of pace for me. Plus, hopefully I can take someone along with me, a friend or parent. At the moment I'm on a special diet due to allergies. So this will make it more interesting I think if i incorporate how well they cater to people's allergies at the restaurant. For example, I not really suppose to eat dairy or gluten. These are two pretty large things to cut out. Most Chinese restaurants I can eat at if I don't get the food with MSG (mono sodium glutamate). There is this great place on Northwestern my mom brings me home sometimes that I would like to write about if that is an option. They have the 2'nd best Chinese food I have ever had. The first was a place in Oberlin, Ohio I ate at when I was visiting one of my best friends.
I Just Wanna Be Average
I tried to read the excerpt critically. I kept saying where are the claims, where is the so-what? Then, I realized, this is more of a about my life biography piece. Plus, I thought this was going to tie into our next writing assignment, the restaurant review. But, it didn't. I was a little disappointed actually. Anyway, reading a piece where someones life seems sad makes you realize just how lucky you are. Mike was an average kid I think, for his neighborhood. He wasn't too well off, they were defiantly below poverty. But, at the same time they made a life for themselves and made it. They had a place to call home. It is all in the eye of the beholder. What defines one person as average and another as not? Their income level, their outlook on life, how many friends they have? Everyone has negative parts to their life. That is what makes us human. Mike may have lived in a horrible neighborhood, but his family was loving and there for each other. Where as, someone who lives in a better neighborhood may have problems with their family getting along.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Reading the excerpts helped me to understand rap a little more. I am not a fan of the music. And the readings helped explain why people like it and where it comes from. In elementary school I was a huge fan of the stuff, I'll admit it. I liked the catchy beat and tone of it. It wasn't boring like Barney. But the lyrics I listened to, were not degrading to women or violent. They were fun. Catchy. Like, "Hoot there it is, hoot there it is." I thought of an owl when listening to it. There needs to be a real change in the messages in Rap today. Society will greatly benefit from high moral songs.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Songs of West Bloomfield
1. Beverly Hills by Weezer
I live 15 min from Beverly Hills. My high school was in this city. Every time it played on the radio I thought of Groves and memories I have there.
2. Every time we touch by Cascada
This is just the girly song that it seems all girls around here love. It's what the girls around here let themselves feel when they fall in love.
3. We are all on Drugs by Weezer
I'm sure there are people who do actual drugs. But, I take this more as everyone around my community takes some form of drugs. Like, I take asthma and allergy medicine. My friend is diabetic so she takes insulin. It seems like everyone is put on something around here.
4. Of all the gin joints in all the world by Fall Out Boy
This past summer every time I was with one of my best friends we would play this song. It was our song. We love the sound of Fall Out Boy, the tone and material they talk about. A particular line that I like is, "We're sleeping through all our memories." It seems that everyone, including myself just goes through the daily routine of things and doesn't really comprehend what is going on. It's like yesterday I was 8 thinking that I'll never be a teenager, and one day I woke up and I'm 19. It's like middle and high school were just one big rushed blur. And I'm afraid college and the real world will be the same if not worse.
5. Fame <> by Fall Out Boy
The line from this song is "When I'm home alone I just dance by myself." The area I live in is more secluded than other cities. If you have nothing to do you could call a friend to come over, but every has such busy lives and lives so far apart most people just stay at home by themselves. He dances by himself. It seems we are so isolated, AIM and facebook help bring us together. But it almost takes the place of time when we could be face to face.
6. Clumsy by Fergie
It seems like people just date and don't really fall in love anymore. It seems like love is becoming shallower. It's more about appearance now than anything else it seems. And when people say they fell in love, it's not as deep as what it used to be like. People fall in and out of love much more quickly now and don't take it as serious.
7. Mr. Brightside by The Killers
Sex is much more casual now. People just see it as just another thing you do with your significant other. It isn't as sacred and special anymore.
8. Buttons by Pussycat Dolls
It's basically about how women want their clothes taken off and to have sex. Teenagers today don't value themselves and their bodies as much as they should. Somewhere when instilling values into today's youth something got forgotten.
I live 15 min from Beverly Hills. My high school was in this city. Every time it played on the radio I thought of Groves and memories I have there.
2. Every time we touch by Cascada
This is just the girly song that it seems all girls around here love. It's what the girls around here let themselves feel when they fall in love.
3. We are all on Drugs by Weezer
I'm sure there are people who do actual drugs. But, I take this more as everyone around my community takes some form of drugs. Like, I take asthma and allergy medicine. My friend is diabetic so she takes insulin. It seems like everyone is put on something around here.
4. Of all the gin joints in all the world by Fall Out Boy
This past summer every time I was with one of my best friends we would play this song. It was our song. We love the sound of Fall Out Boy, the tone and material they talk about. A particular line that I like is, "We're sleeping through all our memories." It seems that everyone, including myself just goes through the daily routine of things and doesn't really comprehend what is going on. It's like yesterday I was 8 thinking that I'll never be a teenager, and one day I woke up and I'm 19. It's like middle and high school were just one big rushed blur. And I'm afraid college and the real world will be the same if not worse.
5. Fame <> by Fall Out Boy
The line from this song is "When I'm home alone I just dance by myself." The area I live in is more secluded than other cities. If you have nothing to do you could call a friend to come over, but every has such busy lives and lives so far apart most people just stay at home by themselves. He dances by himself. It seems we are so isolated, AIM and facebook help bring us together. But it almost takes the place of time when we could be face to face.
6. Clumsy by Fergie
It seems like people just date and don't really fall in love anymore. It seems like love is becoming shallower. It's more about appearance now than anything else it seems. And when people say they fell in love, it's not as deep as what it used to be like. People fall in and out of love much more quickly now and don't take it as serious.
7. Mr. Brightside by The Killers
Sex is much more casual now. People just see it as just another thing you do with your significant other. It isn't as sacred and special anymore.
8. Buttons by Pussycat Dolls
It's basically about how women want their clothes taken off and to have sex. Teenagers today don't value themselves and their bodies as much as they should. Somewhere when instilling values into today's youth something got forgotten.
Friday, February 9, 2007
Profile of a Community Member
I was torn between two people to profile. Martha Ford and Ben Roberts. Everyone knows Martha Ford and there would be plenty of information out there on her. The reason I was thinking of writing on her is because my mom massages her and I know that she is kind woman. However, I bet no one knows Ben Roberts, unless they went to school with him. He is almost two years older than me. Not many people would choose a guy that's almost 21. But, he's not your average run of the mill college student. I met him through my friend Dan who told me a few stories on the guy. Wed night I did an interview with Ben over AIM for almost four hours. I'm glad I choose Ben because I learned so much that Dan never told me. I learned why he does the things he does, his motives. I will go into greater detail in the paper, but here is a basic story that illustrates why I choose Ben. If he sees a car that slid off the road or into a ditch he will stop to help, usually by pulling them out with his jeep and tow rope. Your average student would probably pass them by thinking, "Thank-goodness that's not me" and perhaps send a good thought their way. I learned why Ben helps random people when he expects nothing in return. He made it to eagle scout. Through the scouts he learned about helping people and basically caring. A few weeks ago when we had a horrible ice storm he went around to people helping out, starting generators, cutting branches, etc. Ben is one of the kindest, caring, and generous people I have gotten the privilege to know.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
"I'm cold as cold as cold can be"
"I'm cold as cold as cold can be" is a line from one of my favorite songs. It's Into the Ocean by Blue October. I love how vivid the details are in that song, it makes it easier to visualize it and I'm more of a visual person. But, a line from the in-class writing is the first line I wrote, "This morning I huddled against the stinging wind to my frozen shell of a car." I like this because I was able to be more descriptive with it. I love using different words to give a sentence clearer meaning. A lot of times this is hard for me to do though. I like the shell analogy because it describes an empty object that seems like it could break at any minute, it's fragile from being frozen all night long. There is an emptiness to the car.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Symbol of Detroit

This is not the Detroit that I know. The "D" pictured here is a cold, steel letter that belongs in a heartless firm. Detroit is about old times, relaxing, and lazy baseball days. The Detroit Metro Convention article said that Detroit appeals more to younger generations than other major cities do. Most people between 25-35 would consider symbol this cool and that is their key demographic now. The "D" that automatically pops into my mind when thinking of Detroit is the Detroit Tigers baseball symbol. This to me symbolizes not only the Tigers, but Detroit as a whole. I do like that there is no slogan on the "D", only words that trigger vivid memories or visions of what Detroit is today and what it used to be like. It will just take some time getting used to this new symbol that represents Detroit.
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