Thursday, January 11, 2007

Reaction to class discussion on Niki's Window

I thought that good points were brought up. I didn't know the extent to which Detroit was cleaned up for the Superbowl and other large public events. Instead of looking at it as hiding the true Detroit and returning back to the fomer status I think that by cleaning it up for the week or so this shows that there are possiblities for the future for Detroit. Like with the bathroom/house example, I think that sure you have to clean up for company but also you can never make your home perfect to everyone's standards. For example, I like a cleaner more clutter free look with a few meaningful objects around me. But, others like a more cluttered feel with parts of their life surrounding them everywhere, from dolls on the floor to dried flowers on the wall. Not everyone can be pleased. I think that this shows that Detroit can be cleaned up with a lot of effort, there are possiblities. With time and effort Detroit can be brought up to higher standards, we are trying different ways to see how we can clean it up best as possible for the future.

1 comment:

impervious2581 said...

The bathroom/house example was a good point to bring up, but kind of impractical, in my opinion. It's good to aim high and all, but I think the city would benefit more from raising the bar in cleanliness slightly up a few notches permanently instead of going all-out for a short period of time.